Code of Conduct

This CoC applies to all users and members of Tides of War, and covers all areas of Tides of War’s services.

Tides of War’s website & services is controlled and operated by TowNet from Tampa Bay, Florida.

The Offices of TowNet are situated in Orlando, USA; Cambridge, England; & Svendborg, Denmark.

TowNet currently owns the domain and rights to the intellectual property presented on Tides of War’s server.

All questions, comments, suggestions or notices are to be directed to the Administrators of TowNet at the following email address:

TowNet is responsible for the maintenance and membership, which utilises its property.

TowNet acknowledges that its site and usage are subject to international literature classification.

As the responsible entity, ToWNet has a legal obligation to its members and the community at large to maintain a safe environment.

The rating of TowNet and its property is in accordance with a low level of violence, and is recommended for persons above the age of 13 years.

The use of the Internet is largely self-regulating, and as such, ToWNet requests any members to report any breaches of the following Code of Conduct.

ToWNet asks it’s membership to be mindful that the use of language without tone or facial expressions may be interpreted by another person, in a manner that the sender did not intend.

Usage of any of the TowNet services denotes implied acceptance of this Code of Conduct and it’s implications.

  • The use of obscene language is prohibited.
  • The use of profane or indecent language or images is prohibited.
  • The use of defamatory, abusive, threatening, harassing, sexually offensive or racially offensive language is prohibited.
  • The communication of multiple messages is prohibited.
  • The advocating of any unlawful, or the discussion of any unlawful, malicious or criminal activity is prohibited.
  • The unauthorised use of copyright material (other than where cited or permitted by reasonable usage) is prohibited.
  • The collection of TowNet members personal information, which includes but is not limited to attempting to access another account, the collection of account passwords, unauthorised access to their account by deceit or fraudulent trick, their instant messenger name or email accounts, is prohibited.
  • The mass emailing of unsolicited members (spamming) is prohibited. In certain jurisdictions, such actions constitute a criminal offence. Where required by legislative bodies, and upon service of warrants or documentation, TowNet will supply records, electronically or otherwise, in compliance with the lawful prosecution of such actions.
  • The use of ToWNet services for advertising or commercial solicitation without the direct consent of TowNet Administration and/or Tides of War is prohibited.
  • Tides of War is war game Community site. There are no subversive operatives on our staff, there are no personal vendentas, and there are, to the best of our knowledge, not any active members of the Military on Administration Staff.

Accordingly, as Administrators of this site, we monitor the contents with our standards. As best we can, we try to maintain a family orientation to all matters on this site, as we are personally aware that children as young as 6 read our forums. We adopt a flexable approach to most matters, and allow our members, the priviledge (NOT THE RIGHT) to post on this site.

As such, the following is NOT ACCEPTABLE on this site.

  • – Details of military movements
  • – Photographs of any current military targets/weapons/equipment
  • – Support or comdenation for any government, official, head of state or organization

If you feel you are unable to cope with these restrains, please contact us via email or message and we will be more than happy to supply the links to another source which may be more appropiate for you.

Where a complaint is received relating to any of the aforementioned matters, a TowNet Representative will conduct preliminary inquiries, and pass the complaint and initial inquiries on for further investigation to a TowNet Administrator.

The investigating ToWNet Administrator will review the alleged breach and may call upon any other member to validate or negate any version. If at the conclusion of the investigation the complaint is found to be malicious or fictitious, the member who lodged the complaint will render themselves liable to the same punishment as if they themselves had committed the breach, whether or not such breach is committed.

The TowNet Administrator at the conclusion of the investigation shall take such action as is necessary, and such action may include:

  • No further action
  • A warning
  • The suspension of privileges
  • The deletion of their membership
  • In the event of any form of criminal activity, the provisioning of a brief of evidence to the appropriate judicial authority for prosecution.

TowNet is committed to the creation of a safe environment for it’s members and guests. In doing so ToWNet may as necessary, issue further guidelines that will be posted upon the ToWNet’s Tides of War Site.