Reply To: Welcome Wolfpack!

ToW Bonds: 350
Community Member

Oh, by the way… heres a blast from the past I found whilst tracking old salts down via the web:


I’ve just come across your web page. Very well done. Your review of Iron Wolves was in-depth, especially given the fact that you were not a regular of the game. It would have been easy to bash the game if you were expecting IW to be like other sub sim games on the market. IW’s attraction lies in the fact that you are pitted against human opponents. Since the beta days, the IW players have developed a real user community complete with an official players group (The WolfPack), scheduled wars, individual player web pages, and even have a get-together scheduled for the Fall of ’98. I say you’d be hard pressed to find that level of involvement in any other game. There have been some changes made to IW since your review which make it easier to track opponents (left click and drag on the bridge view) and the addition of islands equipped with Shore Batteries (definite mixed reviews on that!). Plus there is a web page where scores are posted for bragging rights. The user community has been able to work closely with the developers to suggest and make changes for the good of the game. In short, I would encourage you and others to take a look and go for a test drive. I think you’ll like what you see!

PS – Thanks for ‘immortalizing’ me on the sub screen shot! heh heh.


Von Krieg will return to the Iron Wolves world for future evaluations. And I’ll have you in my crosshairs again, so achtung!