Submarine Beta Test 3!

  • Creator

  • erich

    Since subs are in beta testing, I had the opportunity to test them recently in round 3 of beta.

    My initial view of the beta in it’s current stage (Thanks for the invite to the latest beta)

    Identify what your concern is

    • Always being submerged
    • Overpowered torpedoes
    • Overpowered depth charges

    Identify what specifically has caused your concern

    I didn’t get to participate in round 1 or 2. I did notice that in those rounds of testing, submarines had the option to surface, submerge, and dive deep. I do hope in the final version this is brought back.

    The submarine torpedoes did seem a bit overpowered. I think this might need a bit of a balance tweak in the end. Honestly, since it is the subs main weapon it should be better than destroyer torps but not to the power it is at the current time.

    The destroyer depth charges seem a bit overpowered as well. I would get insta-sunk when a destroyer was throwing depth charges from a mile away from where I was actually submerged. I do hope this is something that can be fixed.

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